Fresh graduates get themselves diploma covers for their graduation certificates. Even family members and friends get them as presents because everybody knows the importance of this item. Diploma covers are primarily made to cover and protect a graduate’s diploma, and what people mostly think is that when something is made for a certain purpose, it will only hold that one use – which is often times not the case. Diploma covers actually have other uses aside from encasing a diploma.
Yes! Aside from the fact that graduation diploma covers are purchased or are given to secure important papers, the cover itself is now a very important item for the owner because it preserves a very valuable document. Using the frame to display one’s diploma is a part of every student’s pride and joy.
Usually, you’d think of putting graduation pictures and other related snapshots in an album. Here’s an out-of-the-box idea for you, why not use graduation diploma covers as your photo album or scrapbook instead. This lets you highlight the most memorable and the most precious moments because diploma covers can be displayed like normal frames, unlike book albums that are kept in a shelf – hidden away from the light of day and is later forgotten.
Moreover, it’s better than picture frames because technically speaking, its waterproof hard exterior and wide dimension makes the diploma cover both durable and spacious.
Diploma cover scrapbooks are great do-it-yourself arts and crafts, it can be greatly customized to suit personal preferences thus adding more sentimental value to it. In addition to that, you can also do it with somebody special like a friend or the person you’ll be giving it to, to make it more fun and meaningful. Now doesn’t that make it better and much more interesting than the original purpose of a diploma cover? You can also put pictures, letters, and trinkets on your diploma cover scrapbook. The possibilities are limitless with this graduation DIY project.
To give you an idea, below are sample graduation diploma cover scrapbook ideas that you can look at for some inspiration.
This is great for everyone because the process of making it and the aftermath of the product makes the whole activity special and worthwhile. In addition to that, it is one of those unusual but memorable graduation gifts you hand out to somebody.
Let’s not also forget about the diploma since we definitely don’t want to overshadow that, you can always frame that piece of paper and hang it for everyone to see. You may have already seen a lot of families doing that practice of hanging diplomas and certificates of family members on the wall. You see, one achievement from a family member is the pride and joy of everyone!